The picXclicX license allows you to freely download images from this site.
Just a few rules:
Sure, have at it, as long as you keep it clean.
Includes applying new edits, cropping, adding text, etc.
Perfect. Love it. I love text over an image. Have fun!
Nope. Nada. You can’t take my images and offer them as stock photos on another site. This applies to my images that you alter with edits.
You cannot sell my photos and you cannot give them away for free.
Here’s an idea…HELP me by telling all your friends where they can get my free stock photos! HERE!
This is your responsibility to understand what is legal.
I do include images that include logos/trademarks, artwork, recognizable faces, property. These are some of the types of photos you should not use commercially. But again, it is your responsibility to know.
I do not have model releases or property releases for my images.
Attribution is not required. But hey, it is SO NICE!
So if you have the ability to throw an attribution in a caption, copy/paste this into the caption block:
Free Stock Photos for Blogs at <a href=””>picxclicx</a>
And if you are on social media, usually the tag is @picxclicx. Tag me!
Sure, use these in printed materials, but if it is for a commercial use, be sure to follow legal guidelines.
I retain copyright for all my images. No image is placed into the Creative Commons license system.
Any Questions? Just use my Contact Form!